Domesticated Manners


Puppy Enrolment
Dog Enrolment

Here are some other good sites.

Great website for all people doggie!!! Dog blogs, pictures, videos, tones of doggie related information. Very highly recommended for all pet owners.


Association of Pet Dog Trainers, was founded in 1995 by John Fisher to offer pet dog owners a guarantee of quality when looking for a puppy or dog training class in their area.


Burns Pet Nutrition - The Holistic Approach to Health and Nutrition


James Wellbeloved – Natural Hypo-Allergenic food for pets. Also make great fish treats for dogs and cats.


The SF/SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers was founded in 1999 with the aim of providing comprehensive and leading edge education to dog trainers, behaviour counsellors and other companion dog professionals. It is rapidly gaining a reputation as the "Harvard for Dog Trainers."


Canine Partners, Training dogs to assist people with disabilities to live as normal a life as possible.


Pets As Therapy, Register you pet to help the elderly, terminally ill, long term and young hospital patients.


Great website for students interested in becoming vets!


With over 30 years experience in various aspects of canine training and behaviour Nina is now offering courses in Nose work, training for shelter staff and other aspects of working dog training. Nina also runs puppy classes in the London area.


The CCPDT is an international testing and certification program for professional pet dog trainers. The CCPDT's certification program is based on humane training practices and the latest scientific knowledge related to dog training. Competence and continued growth in training practices is promoted through the re-certification of qualified professionals.

Ingrid Ramon provides a very good dog training and sitting service in North London.

Kennel Corner - Dog breed profiles | Dog Obedience Schools | Dogs Treats | Dog Training Articles
The number 1 site for you and your best friend. Visit Kennel Corner for all your dog resources including articles, dog treat recipes, dog training and dog obedience schools, dog breed profiles, photo competitions and lots more.

Domesticated Manners Puppy / Dog Training and Behaviour
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