Domesticated Manners

Puppy Enrolment

Puppy Enrolment
Dog Enrolment

This is the on-line form to book a place on our Basic Manners Dog Course. Please remember that we require a deposit as well as this form to fully book your place on a course.

Start Date of Course
Owners Full Name
Name of all everybody attending the 6 week course
Owners Full Address including post code
Telephone Number(s)
E-Mail Address:
Pets Name
Age at start of 1st class
Fully Vaccinated?
Breed of Dog
Do you consider you dog as a member of your family?
What diet do you feed you dog?
What treats do you use, if any?
Does your dog have any on going medical problems or problems that are being treated at the moment ?
If you answered 'yes' to the above please explain.
How many walks a day does your dog get?
How long are these walks?
Do you let your dog off-leash?
Would you say your dog is at all nervous (if yes please explain) ?
Has your dog ever growled at any one ? (if yes please explain)
Has your dog ever bitten any one? (if yes please explain)
How is your dog with children?
How is your dog with loud noises and fireworks?
Is there anywhere your dog doesn't like being touched?
What Punishments do you use and How does your dog react to punishment?
Please state 3 things you like most about your dog:
Please state 3 things you would like least about your dog:
Please write a few sentences about your aim’s or goals you wish to have reached by the end of the 6-week dog course.
I have read and agree to abide by the rules set for this course. (please see below for list of the rules)



Please read these rules as we ask all owners to abide by them for the duration of their enrolment on our course.


Also please note that you should regularly check the rules once enrolled on a course as they may be subject to change.


Your dog must be fully vaccinated and proof of vaccination must be provided during the first class.


If you dog poos or wees any where in the hall you are required to let a staff member know asap!


If your puppy eliminates out side the building please pick up (if poo) and if any mess remains, let any staff know so that we can wash it way.


If you have any rubbish that you need to dispose of, please throw it in the bin and not on the floor.


There is a strict NO DRINKING AND SMOKING policy in the building!


There must not be under any circumstances any rude or violent behaviour towards any members of staff or public, during the classes. Failure to keep to this rule may lead to the police being called.


Domesticated Manners cannot be held responsible for any incidents that may occur outside class while training or not.


You must be responsible for your dog at all times and instructions must be followed, promptly and safely.


Appropriate footwear must be worn during class. (No flip flops or high hills)


You must let a trainer know at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to attend a class.


Arriving on time is very important. Late comers may not be allowed in until a certain point to minimise the disruption caused to other owners and dogs.


In an adult dog class please do not allow dogs more that 2-3 seconds of contact with each other when on leash! This is for your dog's and your saftey.


Last but not least, Enjoy the course!!! If at any time training isnt fun then somethings gone wrong, so speak to a trainer and we will soon try and have you heading in the right direction again.

If your dog thinks your the best! Dont seek a second opnion!

Domesticated Manners Puppy / Dog Training and Behaviour
Please feel free to get in touch with us if you would like further infomation
by visiting the contact us page.
