Different owners have
different expectations of what they would like to learn from puppy class. Here at Domesticated Manners we have devised a puppy
course which we feel offers the puppy the best chance in life. Our
6 week puppy class focuses on two areas of training;
Temperament training is where you will learn how to teach your pups to control their mouth
as well as prevent any guarding of food, toys … from developing. Your puppies will also learn to love being handled
all over (so trips to the vets are a thing to look forward to).
Obedience training is where we will help you teach your pup to perform basic commands on
cue such as sit, down, play dead and stand. We will also start to teach stay and recall (coming when called) training.
Our classes are different to many others as we also incorporate off-leash play for all the puppies so that they learn
to acquire a soft mouth with other dogs as well as learn how to build good social/play skills. Off-leash play also help give
owners a chance to teach their puppies a good foundation for recall work as well as teaching puppies to quite down from a
state of excitement.
Another aspect of puppy training that Domesticated Manners offers; is to see owners before they purchase their puppy.
If you or a friend are thinking of buying a puppy then please
give us a ring first. We see perspective puppy owners on a one to one basis
and help them select criteria for potential breeders. You will also be given
advise on how to get prepared for you puppy as well as what you may need to do when your puppy arrives. If you attend a pre-purchase
lesson you will be awarded a discount voucher which will entitle
you to a discount for the 6-week
puppy course once you get your puppy! You will find that having prior information
to getting your puppy toilet training, chewing and socialization will be MUCH EASIER !!!
Finally, I leave you with these wise words by Dr Ian Dunbar from
his fantastic book ‘How To Teach A New Dog Old Tricks’.
“In reality, all aspects of obedience training may be accomplished at any time in the dogs life. Temperament problems, however, MUST be prevented
during puppyhood.”